BitDefender 2012 guard remove firefox.exe like a virus.

I downloaded the latest Firefox almost ten times, but each time, he is trying to install, I get a notification that firefox.exe has been removed because it has "Gen.Trojan.Heur.JP.xu2@aaS1JFfi". Even when I disable security during the download and ma

How can I speed up my middle mouse button scrolling?

When I try to scroll down using the middle mouse button, it goes so slow I can't, so I use the scroll bar to the right. It's embarrassing for me. When I reset the button of the mouse on my windows to multiple lines, it allows to scroll too fast for m

How can I get my iPhone/iPad to work with Windows 10.

How can I get my phone [/ iPad to work with Windows 10]

Satellite L655 - cannot download drivers

I am trying to reinstall a Satellite L655 and getting snookered in all directions. 1. I created recovery disks for installation on the old, due to lack of hard drive. When I install them (after watching paint dry for about an hour), it restarts and t

M6 Pavilion: HP Pavilion m6 Factory Image recovery fails

The hard drive has failed, so I bought a new hybrid 500 GB drive. A directed recovery disks from HP and have tried running the setup of recovery, but the process remains still stuck at 23 percent of "copy of the files needed to restore the hard disk.

/ Start differed only in a conditional loop.

Hello I want to use a delay (or some kind of timer) in my program. I intend to use for it in a conditional loop. Specifically, if a certain condition is true, then I want to wait for 50ms and then check out some other condition, which, if true, I wan

messed up text and blurred graphics

So I started my computer as usual and everything was fine, I watched a TV show online and when I closed I noticed than my rear windows to the ground, icons, and fonts are all lying (as when you coat of paint on the side), I tried pressing the auto ad

Why has my Inbox & all folders in OE6 disappeared today?

I am completely current with my NAV updates/weekly scans, monthly checkdisk and defrag so I doubt that's the issue.  It was working fine this morning & then all of a sudden, the Inbox disappeared from the Outlook bar & when I tried to check other fol

Question of linguistic track Video4Fuze v0.5

I tried to use this product, but for some reason, I can't find out how to get the soundtrack to play in English.  IT is defaulting to Spanish (I think) or maybe french.  I do not understand the code for Mencoder so I'm sure that it us something to do

Help with HP tx1000z.

Hey, I have a HP tx1000z CTO laptop. The configuration is as follows, - AMD Turion (TM) 64 X 2 Mobile Technology TL-56 1.80 Ghz. 2.00 GB of RAM. Windows Vista, 32-bit. 120 GB of HDD (I think because only 111 GB is available and I am not using the rec

Where can I find my address book after synchronization to outlook

Hi guys, I'm done synchronization according to the following procedures: 1. Start button - on your computer there a big button in the lower left corner of the screen.  Until it clicks. 2. now, you will see an entry indicating "all programs."  Until i

Corruption of user profiles

This also happened to me yesterday.  User profile has become corrupted and could not even boot computer!   (I have Windows Vista 64-bit).  After the call to Dell (and pay $239 for software support!) and spend hours 10 (Yes, really!) we finally got on

I can't change the time on the taskbar!

Hello people, Once when I bought the computer, he was fine. Then once I noticed that even though it was at 17:10 on Sunday, July 4, he showed that he was at 01:10 Monday, July 5. So I changed it. That's what I did: I clicked on the place where he sho

photosmare HP 7525: print the document does not appear in the specifications

Hello My printer is new and seems to work fine with one exception, when I print a document that she (or any other document) displays in the chorus.   What missing am me...?   Any help would be so appreciated. Thank you! Video-projector

How to build a web application for smartphones

Salvation of venezuela, please I need the steps to build a web application for Smartphones using Webworks, what resources do I need to install in my computer to start my project?

BlackBerry Smartphones not available attached to open or download

We bought two 9800 Torch phones and both have the same problem.  Word, Excel and PDF files all open them very well on devices.  However, to receive e-mails with attachments, but the phone does not give free air or download the attachments options.  I

The workforce plan

I created a planning application classic with the type of labour. But I found no artifacts in the new type of created effective plan. My version is


Environment: Oracle EE on SolarisI have an application that has been converted to a MS Access database support.The Access database uses data NUMBER for all primary keys and foreign keys types.Key in the Access database are extracted a functi

I purchased Web Standard in 2009. I want to install it on my current computer. I want to delete any license that I have on another computer. How should I proceed?

I purchased Web Standard in 2009. I want to install it on my current computer. I want to delete any license that I have on another computer. How should I proceed?

Is it possible to spend my regular plan a student a?

Hey,.I was wondering if there is a way to change for a student membership. Recently, I began my academic career and I am looking to change my plan to my status.